Furneaux Lodge is proactive about conservation and environmentally-friendly initiatives and practices to protect our slice of paradise. 

Conservation | Tiaki

These include ongoing work to significantly reduce single-use plastic in our rooms and restaurant.

We only use biodegradable and organic cleaning products where possible and conserve water by reducing water volume without compromising on quality and high hygiene standards.

We also use low energy lighting and motion sensors to reduce our power use in our rooms.

Silhoette of tall ponga fern trees against the blue Marlborough sky, in the Marlborough Sounds at the top of New Zealand's South Island.
Silhoette of tall ponga fern trees against the blue Marlborough sky, in the Marlborough Sounds at the top of New Zealand's South Island.


Furneaux Lodge is located near 2,000 acres of extremely rare and precious virgin native forest. Within it are native beech and rimu - giants of the forest.

You are almost guaranteed to encounter a cheeky and bold flightless weka here at Furneaux Lodge, or on the Queen Charlotte Track. Also look out for kererū (wood pigeon), tūī, pīwakawaka (fantail), kōtare (kingfisher), while at sea, the large variety of sea birds includes the rare kawau pāteketeke (King shag).

In the water, we often see passing pods of dolphins, Little Blue Penguins, seals, eagle rays and stingrays and even the occasional orca or whale.

In the past, much of the Marlborough Sounds was cleared for farming and timber, but a number of conservation projects are now allowing native forest to regenerate.

Marlborough Sounds Conservation

Furneaux Lodge and Marlborough Tour Company support local community groups that share a similar vision - to preserve and restore the environment we live and work in. Find out more about these great projects:


Endeavour Inlet Conservation Trust logo.

The Endeavour Inlet Conservation Trust does great work protecting and enhancing the incredible native ecosystems that make the Marlborough Sounds so special and unique.

Driven by the community, the trust supports conservation projects in the hills surrounding Endeavour Inlet, and broader Sounds environmental efforts.

After all, caring for the stunning natural beauty we enjoy every day is everyone’s responsibility.


Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust logo.

For many years, the Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust has focused on conservation work, primarily the systematic control of wilding pines to encourage the regeneration of native bush and restore the iconic landscape of the Sounds.

If left unchecked, pine trees can overtake native plants as the dominant species. Pine tree by pine tree, this dedicated group of locals has made significant headway into restoring our Marlborough Sounds paradise.


Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary is a mainland island in Picton Harbour.

This community project aims to restore the 40-hectare peninsula by supporting the regeneration of native bush and wildlife through extensive pest trapping, weed control, planting of native seedlings, the release of native bird species and other conservation work.

The sanctuary, protected by a predator proof fence, is not only a recovering haven for wildlife, but has an environmental education programme popular with school groups from Marlborough and further afield.

We're proud to partner with Kaipūpū Sancturary who provide experienced guides for our group tours to the island. 


Picton Dawn Chorus logo.

Picton Dawn Chorus is a hugely successful community-driven programme that aims to reduce the number of introduced predator species in and around the Picton township that threaten our native flora and fauna.

New Zealand’s wildlife is under significant threat from these predators that eat native birds, their eggs and chicks as well as lizards and weta. To reduce pest numbers, Picton Dawn Chorus uses humane and environmentally sensitive methods of predator control, and traps are checked regularly by volunteers.

Tiaki Care for New Zealand logo.
Tiaki Care for New Zealand logo.


Furneaux Lodge's values align with Tiaki and we wholeheartedly get behind the Tiaki Promise and encourage all visitors to Marlborough to act as guardians of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Tiaki - Care for New Zealand has been set up by a group of New Zealand tourism organisations to actively encourage local and international travellers to care for our country as much as we do.

Tiaki means to care for people and place. 

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations.

For more information, head to the Tiaki website.

  1. Furneaux Lodge
  2. About Us
  3. Our Environment